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Auvious widget can also be used in a Talkdesk installation.


A standard co-browse flow could be something like this:

An agent is in a conversation with a customer through either on the phone or via the Talkdesk widget. At any time, the customer can open the auvious co-browse widget and request a PIN from the agent to start a co-browse session. The agent sends the PIN as a chat message or dictates it to the customer. Once the customer types the PIN in the auvious widget, the co-browse session can start.

The supported fields to start a co-browse session are these:

application-idyesCan be found in auvious / settings (top right)
customer-display-namenoSet the name of the customer in the pointer so that the agent can see it. Leaving it blank will default to 'customer'
auvious-environmentnoSet if you are pointing to our US ( or Australia ( environment.

You can also filter out specific HTML elements using the setCobrowseFilters method. Read more on our widget configuration guide.

Digital Connect

Before setting up the widget you need to setup a Digital Connect Integration and Channel in Talkdesk. You can read more in our Talkdesk Digital Connect guide.

Once you have gone through all the prerequisites, you can setup your widget.

dc-touchpoint-idyesSet the touchpoint ID you just created in the Digital Connect Channel
chat-modeyesSet it to talkdesk-digital-connect
schedule-modeNoSet it to talkdesk-appointment to support appointments. Also include callback in the active-widgets.
organization-idYes**Required if overlap check for appointments is enabled. Get the organization-id from auvious settings.
customer-display-namenoSet the name of the customer in the pointer so that the agent can see it. Leaving it blank will default to 'customer'
customer-subjectyesThe digital connect requires a subject. Set one.
customer-emailyesThe digital connect also requires an email. Set one.
auvious-environmentnoSet if you are pointing to our US ( or Australia ( environment.
active-widgetsnoChoose between chat, video, cobrowse, audioor callback. Please set schedule-mode="taldesk-appointment" to support callbacks
application-idyesCan be found in auvious / settings (top right)